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What Can I Do With The Edging In My Tallahassee Garden?

What Can I Do With The Edging In My Tallahassee Garden?

The edging around your Tallahassee, Florida garden, if designed just right, could magnify the garden’s image the same way a unique frame does for a picture. A photo is exciting to look at, but display it in a gorgeous, handcrafted frame, and it brings it to life, so it is with your garden’s edging.

Your garden is essential, and your edging around your landscape plays a significant role in keeping it looking beautiful. Today’s Dickerson Landscaping and Lawn Care column offers some creative ideas to frame your garden.

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Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: The Yarrow Plant

Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: The Yarrow Plant

From protecting newly hatched birds to being toxic to dogs, cats, and horses; stopping the flow of blood from a wound to a gorgeous mass planting, the Yarrow plant, is a friend to some, foe to others, and grows naturally right here in Tallahassee and Leon County, Florida.

The Achillea spp., (the Yarrow’s scientific name; pronounced: ack-ill-LEE-uh species) and also called Achillea millefolium, from the family of Compositae, is a native herbaceous of Florida. The perennial is known to grow as tall as 3-feet in height and its spread from 2- to 3-feet across. It’s a phenomenal plant choice for a border; edging; ground cover; or mass planting projects.

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What Landscaping Tools Should I Get?

What Landscaping Tools Should I Get?

Here at Dickerson Landscaping and Lawn Care, customers are always asking us what landscaping tools we recommend homeowners get. If you are an avid Tallahassee or Leon County do-it-yourself landscaper, then having the right landscaping tools are a must, and your yard work becomes more comfortable to do.

With today’s article, we’ll cover the most common tools we recommend any homeowner or do-it-yourself landscaper get to use for their basic landscaping and gardening needs. The crucial thing to remember, “Use the right tool for the right job.” That guarantees that you have everything you need to keep your home’s landscape and lawn in great shape, without beating you up or wearing you out.

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3 Things to Consider Before Gardening With Used Containers

3 Things to Consider Before Gardening With Used Containers

Like many, you’ve probably dreamed about having a garden in your backyard. After all, it is a fantastic thing to step outside and garden whenever you want. However, what if you don’t have a yard, but you do have some extra space, were given plants to transplant, and can get your hands on some used gardening containers? What should you know?

Some Tallahassee residents will often call asking for alternative ways they can garden, due to the lack of gardening space. That’s when we might recommend container gardening. Container gardening is fantastic. All you need is a terracotta pot, summer bedding, and some green-fingered expertise and wah-lah, you just created your very own mini garden-scape.

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Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Garden Chrysanthemum

Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Garden Chrysanthemum

From its humble Chinese beginnings as a culinary herb for table salads and brewed for herbal teas, the Garden Chrysanthemum, would one day gain royalty status from Japan. Not to mention, it was also believed to contain the power of life. With its showy and classy looking colorful flowers, this perennial has been known to bring any landscape back to life.

The Dendranthema x grandiflora, (the Garden Chrysanthemum’s scientific name; pronounced: den-dran-THEEM-uh x gran-dif-FLOR-uh), from the family of Compositae, is not a native of North America. The perennial’s origins are native to Asia and Northeastern Europe. The other names the Garden Chrysanthemum is known by are Garden Mum and Florists’ Chrysanthemum.

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5 “Must-Knows” To Consider Before Choosing Pavers or Concrete

5 “Must-Knows” To Consider Before Choosing Pavers or Concrete

The time has come, and you’re ready to make some landscaping changes to your Tallahassee home. However, you’re torn between installing Pavers or Concrete.

You’ve passed by numerous homes in Leon County and seen decorative driveways, patios, and walkways. From what you’ve seen, a new decorative addition will enhance your home’s look and could increase its resale value.

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How To Enhance Your Tallahassee Garden With a Fountain, Pond, or Aqua Features

How To Enhance Your Tallahassee Garden With a Fountain, Pond, or Aqua Features

A great way to bring your Tallahassee garden to life is to add water features. More precisely, a fountain, pond, aqua features, or a mixture of all three. These eye-catching add-ons bring a certain appeal and calming to your yard.

Many folks feel, and we’re sure you’ll agree, there’s nothing more relaxing than sitting on a rocking chair or bench next to your garden, listening to the sounds of trickling water flowing down the sides of their fountain.

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Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Mexican Bluebell

Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Mexican Bluebell

If you are a lover of flowers as much as we are, and you must have different colors in the garden, you’ll enjoy the blue, violet, red or pink blossoms found on the Mexican Bluebell. These fanciful flowers are showy and appear on this perennial three times a year; spring, summer, and fall. Besides its attractiveness, it seems as though different types of butterflies love the plant’s nectar.

The Ruellia brittoniana, (the Mexican Bluebell’s scientific name; pronounced: roo-EL-lee-uh brit-TOE-nee-uh), from the family of Acanthaceae, is not a native perennial to North America, but got introduced to Florida in…

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How To Prepare Your Tallahassee Trees For Hurricane Season

How To Prepare Your Tallahassee Trees For Hurricane Season

When you live in Tallahassee’s tropical climate you know every year, we have a 6-month long Hurricane Season. That timetable starts on June 1st and ends November 30th. Furthermore, if you’ve lived here more than five years, you know hurricanes, and tropical storms slam Florida and hit most gulf states just about every year.

The damage is extensive, ruins landscapes, and mutilates or destroys Leon County trees and shrubs. To avoid or minimize those losses Dickerson Landscaping and Lawn Care services has four hurricane-resistant choices you can make long before our rainy season takes off. If planned correctly, those trees will remain standing, help you weather most storms, and possibly save your trees from…

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Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Common Boxwood

Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Common Boxwood

When you’re hunting for a specific plant to use as a garden border, walkway edging, near your building’s foundation or an all-out prime hedge, that you can plant 24-36 inches apart, the Common Boxwood fits the bill. That round, dense, and slow-growing non-invasive shrub will surprise you with its ability to grow from 8-20 feet in height and expand 10-15 feet across its immediate area.

The Buxus sempervirens, (the Common Boxwood’s scientific name; pronounced: BUCK-sus sem-pur-VYE-renz), from the family of Buxaceae, is not a native shrub to North America but blends well with the native Tallahassee and Leon County plants and shrubs you already enjoy. Other names of the Common Boxwood is…

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