Looking for some deck ideas? Dickerson Landscaping has been designing and installing decks since 1989. We have won many awards both locally and nationally for our quality designs and craftsmanship. Get some new deck ideas below!...

Weather Gardens – Online Plant Nursery
Dickerson Landscaping started an online plant nursery called "Weather Gardens" a few years ago and have recently launched our website. There are many flowers, shrubs, and privacy trees available for viewing and purchase right now. Go give the site a look if you are...
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ― Anatole France
Good Morning Tallahassee!
Wow! Can't get get tired of this beautiful #tallahassee weather! Took this photo driving through our farm this morning. I don't usually get to capture so many of the goats in one location because they all like to explore different areas of our property. Not this...
Dickerson Goats!
Got the camera out just in time to catch this big guy running across the field here at #dickersonfarms! He almost looks like a lion doesn't he? Comment your favorite animal and what about it makes it your fav! #goats
Fall Specials! Dickerson Landscaping just got better..
Dickerson Landscaping just rolled out three Fall deals that you don't want to pass up. This is the first bundle of deals for the holiday season and there are many more on the way. Dickerson Landscaping's marketing team has been working hard to let everyone know about...

Dickerson Animal Sanctuary? Here we come!
We are working hard to become an animal sanctuary here in Tallahassee, FL. We are currently able to take in chickens, rabbits, goats, and cows. If anyone knows of any animals in need of a home, there's one for them here. Here are two of our happy goats grazing on...

Landscaping Design Blue Prints
Looking to transform your backyard into a beautiful relaxing space? Check out all of our professionally done projects below for some inspiration. Questions? Simply contact us here or give us a call, 850-422-3001 We're happy to help! Landscape Ideas ...
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