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Tallahassee Lawn Care – Dickerson Landscaping

Dickerson Landscaping has been providing the best and most affordable lawn care in Tallahassee for over 30 years. Check out our services by clicking the button below and feel free to call us with any special requests or questions you may have. We pride ourselves on...

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Cold blast headed for Tallahassee

It’ll begin to feel a little more like Christmas by the end of the week, after a blast of arctic air dips all the way down into North Florida.A cold front is expected to approach the area starting late Tuesday or early Wednesday, bringing off-and-on showers and...

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Follow our Dickerson Farms on social media!

At Dickerson Farms, we take animals in need & give them a peaceful home here on our farm. We also recycle, renew, reuse, and re-purpose as much waste as we can and we always have special projects going on; currently we are building a large wall using recycled...

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Best Places To Look At Christmas Lights In Tallahassee

Best Places To Look At Christmas Lights In Tallahassee

There is no better way to spend a night in December than gazing at Christmas lights with a hot chocolate in hand. Nothing gets me in the holiday spirit more than driving around looking for the house with the most spirited decorations. You could drive through any neighborhood and you are sure to see some great lights, but this is a list of the best light displays in Tallahassee.

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4953 Vine Street San Diego, CA 92465

