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Dickerson Landscaping offers two different irrigation packages

We Know Sprinklers


Irrigation and sprinkler systems are very common in Tallahassee. Due to our scorching summers, it is a must for most yards. While there are many companies in Tallahassee that offer irrigation and sprinkler systems, we are here to tell you to be careful. Irrigation and sprinkler systems are complex and require extensive knowledge in multiple areas to ensure proper installation and maintenance. We are a Licensed Irrigation Specialist.

We understand:

  • Underground plumbing

  • Levels of water coverage needed throughout your yard based on shade, soil type, and types of plants.

  • The mechanics of water flow

  • What chemicals are currently in your water and how they react to your plants and garden

We often get called to come in and fix an irrigation and sprinkler system that was installed by a company that is not properly certified or trained. We not only offer irrigation and sprinkler system installations in Tallahassee, we also offer maintenance and repair services as well.

Training and education videos on Irrigation in Tallahassee!

Valve Box Assembly

Sprinkler Head Assembly

Here are some tips and suggestions to keep in mind when considering installing an irrigation system in Northern Florida and Tallahassee.

Irrigation systems are frequently used in landscapes to provide supplemental water.

We live in northern Florida and we get extreme droughts and extreme rains, therefore it’s very hard on plants to maintain their health and appearance without some sort of irrigation or sprinkler system.

A good irrigation and sprinkler system will be adaptive to mother nature’s demand. Our systems have rain sensor applications that minimize over watering and also take care of drought situations.

We get asked a lot “What is the economic benefits of an irrigation and sprinkler system?”

  • There is a initial cost of a proper installation. A properly installed irrigation system with good engineering systems and high quality parts last a long time and have a great life expectancy. You’re going to get what you pay for it

  • There is a water cost. These systems may seem like a lot of money in the beginning, but they will save you money and time over the long run. With an irrigation and sprinkler system installed by Dickerson Landscaping, you can control the amount of water that you use throughout the year. You don’t get to do that with a water hose that you are running back and forth over your lawn.

A good rule of thumb when installing irrigation heads is to dig the line about 12 inches deep. This will allow for the irrigation head to be on level with the ground. This is a more aesthetic appearance and it also protects from the heads becoming damaged.

Another tip is to make sure that your coverage is even. If it is not, your irrigation system will either over-water or underwater. The obvious aspects of under-watering is that your lawn/plants are going to become malnourished. This weakens the plants immune system and prevents future growth as well. Over-watering from an irrigation system can be just as devastating. This can lead to fungus and other diseases that can and will destroy your lawn/plants.

Use quality products. Cheaper materials cause more problems and require more maintenance, which leads to a higher water bill and maintenance/replacement costs.

Disclaimer: In Tallahassee it is common to hear someone refer to an irrigation system as a sprinkler system. These are the same things so don’t let that confuse you!


Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm

Closed Saturday & Sunday



12 Hayfield Spur
Lloyd, FL 32344


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