Landscaping Articles
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7 Reasons to grow an organic vegetable garden in Tallahassee
During the past 30 years, we’ve seen a massive change towards homogenization and mechanization of farming. This change has focused more on using additives, synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and mass-production techniques. All of these changes do affect humanity’s health and introduces more risks and why more people are starting an organic vegetable garden.
New diseases are popping up and spreading rapidly amongst humans and animals. When you get and read through the World Health Organization reports it shows how the use of chemicals and other products on food, along with the manufacturing processes, are posing a real threat to humankind’s health.
Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Adam’s Needle
The Adam’s needle yucca is a shrub found in various locations throughout the woods, ranch lands, some state parks, and is a slow-growing Florida native. Though the yucca can get bright green in color, and flower in the spring, the leaf texture is coarse to the touch. It does have pointed spines at the end of its leaves that are quite sharp and could injure a person if grabbed inappropriately.
The Yucca filamentosa, (its scientific name; pronounced: YUCK-kuh fill-luh-men-TOE-suh), from the family of Agavaceae, is a native Yucca shrub of Florida. It is not known to be an invasive type plant or have dangerous pests typically found on other shrubs other than earwigs. However, it does attract butterflies and is deer and rabbit-proof. The Adams’ Needle as it’s commonly referred too will grow from 3 to 4 feet tall and have a spread from 3-4 feet across.
Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Glossy Abelia
When you’re trying to decide what type of background or massing plant to use, for your commercial or industrial landscape, that will highlight the forms and colors of companion plants; the low-growing Glossy Abelia dense shrub is ideally suited to get the job done.
The Abelia x grandiflora, (its scientific name; pronounced: uh-BEEL-ee-uh gran-dif-FLOR-uh), from the family of Caprifoliaceae, and though it is not a native of North America it is not known to be an invasive type plant. The Glossy Abelia has two other names: dwarf glossy abelia, and ‘Sherwoodii’ glossy abelia. It will grow 3-4 feet tall and have a spread from 4-6 feet across. The compact form of this shrub does compliment taller shrubs planted around it that have larger and coarse leaves.
Are Mushrooms Popping Up in Your Tallahassee Yard Good or Bad?
Not long ago, a customer of ours asked about mushrooms growing in their yard. To most homeowners and commercial property owners, these umbrella shoots are an eyesore, a visual nuisance, and quite frankly look horrible to the landscape. Furthermore, due to some prolonged overdue rain, you may have notice mushrooms starting to pop up in your Tallahassee or Leon County yard too.
At first glance, you might think something got in your lawn, and you need to knock those toadstools down or pull them up, so they won’t spread, or your children and pets try to taste them. But before you reach for that umbrella shaped lawn fungi, did you know you might have uncovered something…
Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: The Firebush
If the sight of hummingbirds and butterflies dancing in your yard brings joy and excitement, then Florida’s native grown Firebush is the shrub you’ll want in your garden or when used as a base plant for large commercial buildings. Besides the flower’s nectar butterflies and hummingbirds sip, the small, black, glossy fruits on the plant are a continuous feast for birds too.
The Hamelia patens, (its scientific name; pronounced: huh-MEE-lee-uh PAY-tenz), from the family of Rubiaceae, is a native semi-woody perennial shrub of Florida. The Firebush has two other names: Scarlet bush and Hummingbird bush. It does grow fast and will reach 12 feet tall and 8 feet across. Though it is a dense soft-stemmed shrub, it doesn’t need…
What’s Bugging Your Tallahassee Yard This Season?
If you hadn’t noticed already, you have bugs! Then again, we all do. It’s that time of year where all things creepy and crawly emerge, with oddly shaped wings and long legs, making buzzing noises and snapping their pinchers looking to invade our yards to feed their never-ending appetites.
That’s right it’s time to jump into action and pull out that pest control suit, shake up those aerosol cans, pump up that pesticide bottle, throw down the bait, and spread out the homemade bug killer concoctions. But, before you swoop down to save your Tallahassee yard from utter annihilation, let’s put the cape away and take a moment and look at five critical areas for easy insect management.
Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Aspidistra aka The Cast Iron Plant
When you want an attractive, ornamental houseplant that is indestructible and tolerates shade and cold conditions and will survive a high level of neglect, drafts, droughts, and pests then look no further than the cast iron of plants the Aspidistra. This cast iron plant has over 100 different species and is a virtual warrior in the ground flora arena.
The Aspidistra elatior, (its scientific name; pronounced: ass-pid-DISS-truh ee-LAY-tee-or), from the family of Liliaceae is not a native perennial or herbaceous plant of the United States. The Aspidistra originates from areas where there are high rains, and that grows in forests or underneath shrubs. Its home of origins is eastern India, Indochina, China, Vietnam, and Japan.
Did You Check Off These 6 Things From Your Yard’s June Checklist?
With June now underway, it’s time to pull out your Tallahassee yard’s checklist. During this month there are six “must-do” items Dickerson Landscaping and Lawn Care recommend every Leon County homeowner do so their yard stays vibrant as temperatures rise.
How much should you water in June?
We all know that June 1st kicked off our hurricane season, and watching the weather daily, is a crucial part of our lives. On average daily temperatures are typically 90 degrees or higher, which includes higher humidity too. The surface of the soil, however, will usually dry quickly as the extreme heat settles in for the summer. With the warmer temperatures on the rise…
What Are The 7 Best Practices for Lawn Care?
Here at Dickerson Landscaping and Lawn Care, we are asked often about some of the best lawn care practices are a Tallahassee or Leon County homeowner, or business owner should do. So today we’ve put together our 7 Best Practices for Lawn Care you can apply today.
Our seven recommended best lawn care practices encompass four crucial areas:
Pest Control
These four sections are the basic foundation and requirements your office lawn or home’s yard needs to remain healthy and vigorous year round.
Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Needle Palm
When you are looking for a healthy native plant, that can withstand extreme cold or scorching heat, look no further than the Needle Palm. This slow-growing, tough-as-nails, shrubby porcupine palm will grow upwards from eight to twelve feet tall and about the same width once mature. The Needle palm is an adaptable plant that will grow in the shade or the sun. However, it flourishes more when given some shade and best of all, it will tolerate a range of soils from wet to dry.
The Rhapidophyllum hystrix, (its scientific name; pronounced: rah-pid-o-fill-lum hiss-triks), from the family of Arecaceae is a native perennial plant of the United States Southeast. You’ll see it in many home and business landscapes throughout Tallahassee and Leon County. Its glossy, evergreen leaves make it a fabulous accent plant and its fiber husk protect the Needle Palm from cold, harsh winters while presenting a lush green appearance beneath established trees or new saplings.

Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
12 Hayfield Spur
Lloyd, FL 32344