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Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Elephant’s Ear

Mr. D’s Plant of the Week Series: Elephant’s Ear

Do you remember the first time seeing those large tropical green leaves, that looked incredibly massive? They were shield-like in size and shape, and unbelievably enormous, with fleshy green leaves, and ironically named Elephant’s Ear. The Alocasia spp., (the Elephant’s Ear’s scientific name; pronounced: al-lo-KAY-zee-uh species), from the family of Araceae, is not native to North America.

Though it is not from our country, this aggressive and invasive fast-spreading perennial; herbaceous has made its home in Florida. From North Florida to the tip of Key West, the Elephant’s Ear is a year-round planted herbaceous. You can expect this upright plant to grow almost 10-feet tall and about 10-feet across.

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